
Showing posts from April, 2023

Childhood Musings

          I want to tell you stories about when I was in school at a WELS Lutheran grade school in Wisconsin.  It was a small school and I was with the same class for K5 - 8th grade. There were about 22 kids in the class and the eb and flows of friendships were pretty cliquey and severe. If I think about my childhood and my schooling, the awkward, shy feeling is what comes up for me every time. I had a hard time feeling like I fit in anywhere…I have always felt different and not really understood or accepted by the general public.  Was this true? I am unsure. I was teased for a variety of things that really have had a lasting impact on me. I am 48 and am just realizing how traumatic these experiences were for me and how they are still affecting me today.   If I flashback to school, I immediately go to a 4th grade room (at least I think that’s what it is), where I was being ridiculed for how high my voice is. I was put down and made fun of regularly for how my voice sounds. I was

Chicken in a Biscuit

                    Let me tell you about Biscuit. He is the cutest puppy ever…and I’m not just saying that. He is a mix of 47% chihuahua and 40% Siberian husky (combined with other things like wolf, chow chow, toy poodle and German Shepard). Yes, you read that correctly…we all hope that the mother was the husky. He was a rescue from New Mexico, so we will never know his origins.  Biscuit is a princess of a dog…he loves his fluffy pillows, sits so daintily with his arms crossed, and will show you just how he wants to be petted when he wants it. It’s really hard to say no to him with those adorable blue husky eyes.  But there is a dark side to Biscuit's cuteness, and that is his deep love of hunting other living creatures and making them unalive. I hate to even admit that this adorable creature is such a brutal killer, but here he is. I cannot allow Biscuit to be around the chickens when they are roaming the property. But the story of our previous run-ins with the chickens are f

Wrangling Chickens - Can Chickens Smell?

                 I am grateful to be house sitting for my friend that resides in Door County, Wisconsin.  It is so quiet and serene here, and I’m grateful for the chance to unplug and reset. There’s nothing like walking out the door to the expansive fields and open sky.  There is a chicken coop on the property and part of house sitting means getting some quality time with these lovely ladies.  They provide the most beautiful and nutritionally dense eggs, with their wide range of colors and their dark yolks. Every morning we are gifted a dozen eggs! The morning is also when they receive their fresh water, their pellet food, and their food scraps from the day before.  They couldn’t be more pleased to see me open the door with these bountiful gifts! After they eat to their fill, they fly the coop in order to enjoy a day of blissful wandering through the fields.  When it nears sundown is when it’s time to escort the chickens into their coop.  The first night we let them wander, I qui

Wild Woman Sky Clad Adventures with a Hat & a Scarf

Running naked is in our souls. Feeling the call of the wild in our hearts, yearning for freedom from the societal structures of our daily lives, I donned a winter hat and Lynda carefully wrapped a scarf about her neck, both desiring warmth while being sky clad, then we threw on their slippers and boots and ran outdoors. Embracing the cold blast of a winter storm dropping some snow from the skies, we threw our arms to the sky in joy and celebration at being alive, laughing with the newness of this experience. The utter freedom and bliss one feels when mostly sky clad is something you really need to experience. Break out of those awkward zones and be naked to feel alive! Finding further adventure and embracing the calls of our hearts and souls, we have found each other through our nakedness of inner healing, and embraced the call of Union to join together in Love. We are actively birthing into being Wise Wolf Healing, offering Shamanic & Spiritual Support through healing circles &