Wild Woman Sky Clad Adventures with a Hat & a Scarf

Running naked is in our souls. Feeling the call of the wild in our hearts, yearning for freedom from the societal structures of our daily lives, I donned a winter hat and Lynda carefully wrapped a scarf about her neck, both desiring warmth while being sky clad, then we threw on their slippers and boots and ran outdoors. Embracing the cold blast of a winter storm dropping some snow from the skies, we threw our arms to the sky in joy and celebration at being alive, laughing with the newness of this experience. The utter freedom and bliss one feels when mostly sky clad is something you really need to experience. Break out of those awkward zones and be naked to feel alive!

Finding further adventure and embracing the calls of our hearts and souls, we have found each other through our nakedness of inner healing, and embraced the call of Union to join together in Love. We are actively birthing into being Wise Wolf Healing, offering Shamanic & Spiritual Support through healing circles & sessions for groups & individuals, and speaking at events.

Nakedness brings us to deeper places inside our souls, baring an essence there that can bring about incredibly deep healing. Being in safe places of course to do so. Nakedness crosses many boundaries across mind, body, and spirit. Each of them carries an intimacy of their own, and experiencing each dive into that deeper place, helps us become more self-loving, more self-confident, more connected than ever before. When one can experience the sharing all sides of nakedness in relationship with another, in a relationship based in love and consciousness, this will bring us to our deepest Truths of self, and Life. Feeling supported, feeling safe with expressing one’s thoughts and feelings, feeling loved, these all open space for a loving and naked relationship.

Ask yourself this…How naked are you able to be with your body, mind, and/or soul with yourself? How about with another?

I encourage you to embrace your inner Wild Woman and go adventure in Nature wearing only a Hat & a Scarf (and slippers & boots!)

Much Love and Wisdom,

