Be Kind Today



When covid hit, I had my dog, Hunter, by my side every day. He kept me sane when I had so much chaos surrounding me. I was incredibly happy to be home, instead of having to drive into the city to teach 4 and 5 year old children with high needs. My job was incredibly stressful and being home was just the needed break this projector was looking for. 

Hunter and I would go on long walks through the neighborhood. It was a charming neighborhood that I didn’t really feel like I belonged in. The houses were nice and well-kept and I’m just not the one. But I enjoyed the natural beauty of this space. 

There was a park that was being built down the road and we would walk there often on our route. There were ponds within the park and at one point the park was covered in mini frogs that were about the cutest thing I have ever seen. My son even caught a few to transplant into our backyard. But I digress…

One day Hunter and I were on our walk. The sun was shining and I had a huge smile on my face. We were walking through the park and there were cement cylinders located sporadically on the path….they would one day be light posts, but for today they were a mere cement cylinder. 

At this time in history, it was incredibly popular to paint rocks and leave them around for other people to find and keep. It was something that everyone was doing as a way to connect with others when we weren’t allowed to connect at all. It was cute and sweet and gave people both something to as well as something to look forward to. You just never knew when you would find the cutest ever rock!

On this particular day, Hunter and I were walking in the park and I looked at one of the cement cylinders coming up on my right. I see a rainbow on a rock with a cloud at the bottom (flashes of my childhood riddled with me practicing drawing the perfect rainbow/cloud combo) and it says something brilliantly wise and universal….Be Kind Today.

“What a great rock! I’m so grateful it’s here and that I get to take it home with me today.” I walk closer and reach my hand out to grab the rock, when Hunter comes up and pees directly onto the kindness rock. My kindness rock.

Hunter was not being kind.

I cannot express to you how deep and long my laugh was in that moment. I was incredibly grateful to have had that close call with a stream of my own dogs’ urine, only to come out unscathed. I know there are some deep lessons within this story which are for you, dear reader, to figure out for yourself. No one is going to tell you your lessons. Be your own detective. 

After I finished my long-lasting and belly busting laugh, I went home and shared with story with anyone that was willing to listen. This story would not disappoint, I would promise. And it didn’t.

The next day I went back for another walk around the park. I’ll just say that the Be Kind Today rock was gone, but it hadn’t rained...
