A Family is Born - A Tale of 2 Dogs with Hunter & Biscuit and a sister named Musky Bait


This is my very first blog post.  What am I going to blog about?  I would love to use this blog to share stories.  I love to write and tell stories and haven’t ventured into that as of yet.  But I felt the call in my soul and I was invited to do so….so here I am.  Blog #1.

I have two dogs, Hunter and Biscuit.  I adopted Hunter just before the pandemic.  He was very skinny and would cower if he ever saw a stick or a hand being raised.  Seems that he was beaten when fending for himself and had to scrounge for food. He was really terrified of men, as he would get very loud whenever men were around. This boy attached to me instantly and has been my protector ever since. 

He was found on the streets of Wink, Texas….where he was given the name Shredder because he shredded paper (likely due to his anxiety).  The rescue that I got Hunter from renamed him Shrek to be more adoptable. A dog named Shredder might not get the warmest welcome.  

Hunter was hungry with a capital H!  The moment he would hear food hit the bowl, he would go flying downstairs and devour everything he could.  I showered him with love, food and treats.  When Covid hit and the world went into quarantine, it was me and him sitting on the couch together, eating and watching TV.  He is my protector and best friend. 

As we were home, I realized that when I go back to work, Hunter would probably have a difficult time being alone all day.  So I fostered a Pomeranian puppy named Guy.  My partner at the time was out of town, which left me to contend with two dogs (and I really had no dog experience unless you count my family owning a dog when I was a child….but that was ages ago and I really had little to do with the actual care of the dog) as well as my son.  And I was having co-workers over for a big dinner that I was planning on grilling! 

Needless to say, after a weekend of Hunter barking at Guy, Guy peeing everywhere in the house, taco sauce being dumped on the white carpeting, and my guests being scared of my dogs barking so much……my partner came home and asked how I made it through the entire weekend! 

It really was only one day - I picked up Guy Saturday morning, and my partner returned home Sunday evening. I laughed when she said I could be featured on an episode of “I Shouldn’t Be Alive” cuz ain’t that the truth.  I guess years of loud kids and trying my hardest to block out all the frustrations and continue to move forward really came in handy that weekend. 

Monday rolled around and I arranged to take Guy back to the rescue.  So grateful that I didn’t adopt him on the spot and had the foresight to try before I buy. I would not have been able to handle the intense behavioral and emotional needs of those two dogs put together.  Sometimes two dogs, or people, just don’t jive.  And that’s ok…..everybody is different and has different needs and expectations.  One is not better than the other and they both can co-exist without trying to persuade the other to change. 

Even though I didn’t end up going back into the school building that school year, I did decide to rescue another puppy.  I found Biscuit on what must have been the day he was brought into the rescue.  I can’t imagine someone going there and not walking away with this dog.  This dog was found on a Native American Reservation in New Mexico and his name was Falcon.  I chose to rename him Biscuit and I’m glad he did, although I love the idea of the name Falcon….Biscuit is a much more playful name, just like he is.

Biscuit is 47% Chihuahua and 40% Siberian Husky. Yes, we all hope the mother was the Husky.  He is also a little Wolf, Chow Chow, Toy Poodle, German Shepherd and Min Pin.  But you can really see the Husky in him - he is the perfect sized Husky for me!  I have always loved Huskies, but I don’t think I could handle their fur or their intense energy levels at their size.  

Biscuit is incredibly playful and an absolute princess.  He demands to be pet, and will show you just where you are to pet him if you’re doing it wrong.  He is incredibly intelligent and also an avid hunter.  When he is on the prowl, watch out, rabbits!

Mixing Hunter and Biscuit together was a perfect balance of personalities and mental health needs.  Biscuit was able to help Hunter learn how to play and have some fun.  Hunter learned the value of playing with toys and he’s learning how to get along with and play with other dogs and people by watching Biscuit. I just love my little fur family!

Fast forward a couple of years, and I started to get messages that my boys needed a little sister.  I looked at dogs ever so briefly, knowing that I can’t get one, but still longing for that little sister that my boys need.  This is when I met my love, Dawn….who just so happens to have a teacup chihuahua named Musky Bait.  I finally have a sweet little girl in my life and I’m going to be getting her a string of pearls to wear!  

That is where I am going to stop for this evening.  I can’t wait to share more adventures that I have with our dogs.  Having Hunter and Biscuit helped to save my sanity during the lockdown….they helped me have purpose in my day and got me out of the house for walks on a regular basis.  Without them, I can only imagine how much more cooped up I would have felt.  

I am so grateful for all of our fur babies and the lessons that they teach me every day. 

With Gratitude….Lynda
