
Showing posts from March, 2023

A Family is Born - A Tale of 2 Dogs with Hunter & Biscuit and a sister named Musky Bait

  3/30/23 This is my very first blog post.  What am I going to blog about?  I would love to use this blog to share stories.  I love to write and tell stories and haven’t ventured into that as of yet.  But I felt the call in my soul and I was invited to do so….so here I am.  Blog #1. I have two dogs, Hunter and Biscuit.  I adopted Hunter just before the pandemic.  He was very skinny and would cower if he ever saw a stick or a hand being raised.  Seems that he was beaten when fending for himself and had to scrounge for food. He was really terrified of men, as he would get very loud whenever men were around. This boy attached to me instantly and has been my protector ever since.  He was found on the streets of Wink, Texas….where he was given the name Shredder because he shredded paper (likely due to his anxiety).  The rescue that I got Hunter from renamed him Shrek to be more adoptable. A dog named Shredder might not get the warmest welcome.   Hunter was hungry with a capital H!